I like things that are intimidating. Is this because I’m insecure at times? Yes, probably. I won’t deny it. I like threatening things because it makes me feel empowered. This is my approach to situations that are out of my control. Hearing “Mom has cancer” made me lightheaded and nauseous; I paced back in forth in my crappy little internship office, hands shaking, and tears uncontrollably rolling down my face. I’ve taken on a new approach to combat overwhelming emotions: my method of defense is not a wall, but a face and an attitude!

PMC weekend was amazing. Weather was perfect, legs were feeling good, and my emotions were high. This weekend 5 years ago my mother found out she had cancer and quickly began her first chemo treatment. It was Friday night: Pre 110 mile feast, PMC opening ceremony, and sweet little bike expo! I found a headband that I had to have. It had skulls all over it [see image]. I like skulls and immediately showed off my newly acquired fashion to a group of my coworkers who got me involved in the ride one year prior. One replied “isn’t that a little insensitive?” Insensitive? Where have you been living? Skulls are cool!
Ok, yes, skulls are cool, but what is my fascination with them? Here are a few of my many reasons:
1- I like pirates. We have a lot in common: They use violence to get what they want. I use fear tactics to get what I want
2- I have a fascination with paleontology. I found a bone in my backyard as a kid and convinced myself it was that of an Indian....pretty sure it was a chipmunk thou.
3 - Hard core bike gangs rock skulls on their leather jackets, and I have a personal mission to be a leader of a cycling bike gang with a sweet ass skull kit with crazy helmet skull covers.
So is this skull fashion just a generational gap thing? Or is it a symbol of death and I'm an insensitive bitch for sporting it during a charity ride?
Let me explain my reasoning on why I think Im right: I ride the PMC because I have no idea how cancer works, let alone how one would cure it. I wear a skull headband [and shoes and t-shirts for that matter] because I believe that to walk the walk and talk the talk you've gotta have a look that backs it up. I want to look cancer straight in the face and say: “Cancer, me and my bike gang are taking you down.” And I want to look that potential PMC donor in the face and say: “I’m a freakin pirate! Give the PMC your money for much needed cancer research or I will take it from you”
Fear Tactics. It worked for George Bush, and I believe it can work for the PMC.