Thursday, February 26, 2009

ER visit #1 [lets face it, there will probably be more]

Training has been non existant on my end.

props to danielle. Im pretty sure while i was up at 6am being sick, she got up and went to her spinning class. yea, I have some catching up to do!

I did spend 5 hours in the emergency room yesterday. All i wanted was an antibotic for what I knew was a sinus infection. So there I was, in the world renound MGH, feeling like my head was going to explode off my body with every small noise, surrounded by the freaks with missing eye balls and fingers, and after i explain my symptoms this woman insists that I put on this blue SARS-esque mask on my face.

All the breathing I was doing in this mask was being filtered back up into my glasses, fogging them. So, naturally I had to move the mask, and was then told multiple times "mamm, please keep the mask on."

I waited, and waited, and waited...because that's what you do, you wait for someone, and when this someone finally came, he did not want to hear my diagnosis, he had his own theory....I had the flu. Ok, buddy, you are not listening to me. I know whats wrong, just give me some antibotics and ill take my sudafed and be on my merry way. Nope, I got to wait some more, and have giant q-tips stuck up my nose which felt like they punctured the frontal cortex of my brain. After that brain rattling test, I was privelaged enough to be sent to another waiting space. It was an awful, overcrowded, HIPPA violating space, with uncomfortable faded blue wooden chairs, two teenage kids, [one pregnant] making out next to me, a man who looks like he's going to blow chunks everywhere, and an overweight man with an iv pole who insists on staring at me and my SARS mask..... and finally the results come back---negative for the flu.... Thanks

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