Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1st Ride of Season Results in Skateboarder Attack!

Sunday afternoon, the bike is all geared up for the first ride, my legs and lungs however were not, but I pushed through the 20 flat miles anyway. On the last mile of the ride, I was headed down Comm Ave in Brighton. Off on the side road to the right, where all the cars park, I was coming down a hill when out of the blue a pack of wild skateboarders uncontrollably fly out of a side street!
I try to remain calm, and attempt to think quickly. It’s pretty clear that one of the ten is going to hit me, and sure enough I hear one start to yell “oh shit, oh shit.” At this point I realize that if I slam on my breaks I risk being thrown from my bike or being hit by one of the other nuts in the pack, so I brace myself and keep straight.
The skateboarder jumps off his board and the board runs between my front and back tire…..I’ve taken a few minutes to give you a little re-inaction of the event.

skateboarder attack

Mr. Skateboarder, If you are reading this, I hope you are ok. You seemed ok as you hopped out of the way and said “yes, I’m fine” but maybe that’s just you being a big tough skateboarder in front of your skateboarder gang. Thank you for not crashing into me, and next time you should be wearing a helmet!


  1. let me tell you, skateboarders are unruly and have very little regard for rules of the road. i almost hit one with my car the other day. that didn't go as well your encounter...at least not for the skate board the dude was riding.

  2. actually, he looked a lot like the guy in your picture...
